
Optic Ataxia

Optic Ataxia
This CVI makes reaching for things using vision to accurately guide hand and arm movement difficult, like picking up a cup without knocking it over. Knocking into door frames when going through them can also be an issue. This is a common type of CVI in children . It is called Optic Ataxia, and can make them look clumsy. They may have been told they have dyspraxia or DCD (see Labels). There are other reasons for inaccurate visual guidance of movement for example low visual acuity or impaired contrast sensitivity, and these need to be identified before a diagnosis can be made. Further reading: What is CVI? Optic Ataxia Lessons 3f 3rd Dimension and 7b Optic Ataxia and Level 9 Dorsal (2).


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At CVI Scotland we are devoted to helping people understand cerebral visual impairments, and together working towards developing the understanding of this complex condition.